Thursday, 10 June 2010
Is government consultation a bad thing?
I'll bet you in every pub, office, taxi rank, mothers' meeting... there will be a discussion on how they could run the country better than the government. The new government has invited the nation to comment on its plans and yet by my calculation less that 5,500 have posted a comment.
I understand the deadline is at the end of 10 June 2010 so if you have an opinion and I know you do get posting!
Here's my posts. Feel free to comment but make sure you also comment on the government's site too.
I don’t have a problem with DNA being stored in fact I believe everyone’s DNA should be collected and stored at birth. The only persons who should fear this are those who perpetrate criminal activity. This would act as a deterrent and help the police trace criminals sooner reducing the change of creating more victims.
I take a similar view with CCTV. Regulation may be necessary but I’d hate to see this lead to a reduction in the numbers; rather the contrary.
I believe criminals forfeit their human rights when they commit crimes so the rights of victims should take priority over their rights.
I support the changes proposed to the voting system but would prefer to see a Single Transferable Vote (STV) system introduced or at least an Alternative Vote (AV) plus system.
I believe the British Constitution should be taught is schools. With a better understanding of how the different levels of government work from the parish council to Europe and the role of the monarchy and the second chamber, how ever that evolves, which I’m also in favour of, many more might engage with politics and turn out and vote! This appears even more essential as the government roles out greater consultation with the electorate.
Why not introduce a single benefit payable to everyone, and reduce it in a similar way that tax credits diminish as income rises, and do away with all the different means tested benefits employed by both central and local governments. Of course there should be safeguards for vulnerable persons. Those that remain unemployed after say 6 months should have the benefit reduced month by month increasing the incentive to get back to work.
I believe the introduction of tax credits is a good thing and was reasonably efficient when it came into being by using existing vehicles of PAYE and Self Assessment. It was the ending of the use of those vehicles that led to the overpayments and the employment of yet more civil servants.
Civil servants pay rises in the good times so why not reduce in the bad times? Very many of those that pay the taxes and the community charge have suffered. Some have taken lower wages, some are now unemployed or taken on lower paid work and some have gone bust. Reducing civil servants and local authority pay by at least 5% just has to be done. This should be an average 5% with the top earners losing the most and lower paid a lot less.
I love the idea that local communities could share in renewable energy schemes. Maybe it will reduce the numbers NIMBYs!
I noted on Working Lunch they covered a very interesting system which basically involved a firm who installed solar panels for free maybe there should be more schemes like this. Could this method be used to increase the use of geothermal heat pumps? I can’t believe how expensive they are to install.
I welcome transparency. I and I would say the whole Nation is fed up of spin; aka dam lies. We deserve to trust that what a politician tells us is the true and not a distortion! This is especially so if the government is genuinely indenting to consult as they have done here. How else can we make reasoned opinions?
Newsnight once broadcast a piece suggesting that it should be a criminal offence to say anything during an election which turned out to be a fabrication! I hope and trust that the new government would encourages a new era setting that culture aside for ne that is open and honest and we the nation can believe and trust!
Posted by Joe Martin providing business services for small businesses and the self employed. Find me at
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